logo of the MicroVET project

This resource was developed by the MicroVET project. This project foresees among others to improve the quality and attractiveness of Vocational Education & Training (VET), and training in general, through the provision of flexible, inclusive and highly applicable training offers that correspond to contemporary needs of learners/trainees.

The course is catered to teachers. The activities for implementation involve both fellow teachers/colleagues and students.

The course ‘Inclusive science education and art‘ uses the Open-Ended scenario Framework. This is a tool to move from idea to action and dissemination. Using three  SCE related topics, the Micro Credential course guides teachers and school leaders through the process of implementing, testing both knowledge as well as encouraging the implementation of the framework.

The main activity is a Microcredential course containing 6 modules and 7 assessments. The modules are:

  1. Open-ended scenarios
  2. Implementing open-ended scenarios
  3. Microplastics
  4. Carbon neutrality
  5. Cars and how to fuel them
  6. Creating & Using maps

Assesments are quizzes, testing the materials that are presented in the modules, but also implementation of the materials and developing lesson plans.

The modules provide a framework to work out ideas, turn them into plans and engage the local community. This framework is then applied to three major SCE related topics.

Find this Micro-Credential course here

© This course was developed by ESHA under Erasmus+ funding and falls under the Creative Commons Licence.

How to use this Best Practice

Go to the Microvet Platform and sign up in 2 minutes. Take the course and receive a MicroVET certificate after finalization.

Learning Outcomes

Teacher LO A: Elicit prior knowledge and further develop knowledge and comprehension of key Sustainability Citizenship key concepts, challenging established worldviews and values.

Teacher LO B: Apply a range of suitable tools and frameworks to promote student Sustainability Citizenship.

Teacher LO D: Collaboratively synthesise the knowledge, tools and frameworks to create educational materials and lessons plans adapted to their own local context

Teacher LO F: Through communities of practice, build capacity and agency as Sustainability Citizenship educators and leaders.

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