Aims and Learning Outcomes description

Aims and Learning Outcomes: What are the aims and the expected learning outcomes of the resources and materials?
Teacher LOsLeadership LOs
AElicit prior knowledge and further develop knowledge and comprehension of key Sustainability Citizenship key concepts, challenging established worldviews and values.Elicit prior knowledge and further develop knowledge and comprehension of key Sustainability Citizenship concepts to challenge established worldviews and values.
BApply a range of suitable tools and frameworks to promote student Sustainability Citizenship.Apply a range of suitable tools and frameworks to promote Sustainability Citizenship within their schools and communities.
CReflect on practice and examine national curricula to identify opportunities to promote Sustainability Citizenship in interdisciplinary ways and engage with external stakeholders.Examine their own national/regional curricula, educational policies, programmes and external stakeholders to identify opportunities to promote Sustainability Citizenship in their schools and communities.
DCollaboratively synthesise the knowledge, tools and frameworks to create educational materials and lessons plans adapted to their own local contextCollaboratively synthesise knowledge, tools and frameworks to create and deliver school environments that support the development of Sustainability Citizenship in their communities.
EDevelop and apply assessment criteria to evaluate Sustainability Citizenship in students.Develop and apply assessment criteria to evaluate Sustainability Citizenship development in their school and community.
FThrough communities of practice, build capacity and agency as Sustainability Citizenship educators and leaders.Through communities of practice, build capacity as Sustainability Citizenship educators and leaders.
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