Babrunn Feature image

Intended End User: Teacher

Age Group: Lower Secondary; Upper Secondary

School Curriculum: Social, Physical & Health Education; Social & Environment Science; Languages

Themes and Topics: Energy Use and Production, Collective Action, Power & Influence, Citizenship

Duration: 2h

Type of Resource: Game, Guidelines & Notes, Lesson Plans

Keywords: Role-Playing, Community Planning, Environmental Stewardship, Collaborative, Decision-Making

Languages: English


This handbook is a detailed guide for teachers to implement a role-playing game designed to engage students in a collaborative and thought-provoking discussion about sustainable development and community planning. Set in the fictional municipality of Babrunn, the game explores the potential construction of a water park and its implications for the environment, local economy, and community well-being.

Students assume roles such as environmentalists, business leaders, civic association members, and the mayor, each with distinct perspectives and objectives. Using role cards, scenario descriptions, and supplementary materials, participants debate the future of the community while balancing competing priorities like economic growth, environmental preservation, and social cohesion.

The resource encourages:

  • Critical thinking: Students analyze real-world trade-offs and defend their positions with logical arguments.
  • Collaboration: The game fosters teamwork and respect for diverse viewpoints.
  • Environmental awareness: The scenario highlights the importance of sustainable land use and ecological preservation.
  • Empathy: The role-playing game provides a deeper understanding and empathy for the situation of other stakeholders.

Teachers are provided with structured instructions, discussion prompts, and role descriptions to ensure smooth facilitation. This hands-on approach not only enhances student engagement but also equips them with decision-making skills relevant to complex societal challenges.

Ideal for secondary school classrooms, the role-playing game integrates seamlessly into subjects like social studies, environmental science, and ethics, making it a versatile tool for experiential learning.

How to use this resource

This resource is a role-playing game designed to facilitate active and collaborative learning about sustainability, community planning, and stakeholder engagement. 

It guides the teacher and students through the preparation phase, role-play execution and reflection phase. It provides all materials needed to do the role play.

The resources

Babrunn PDF:

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Quality Education
Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action
Partnerships for the goals

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