Climate Playground logo

Intended End User: Teacher, School Leader

Age Group: Lower Primary; Upper Primary

School Curriculum: Social, Physical & Health Education; Social & Environment Science; Arts

Themes and Topics: Collective Action, School Leadership

Duration: Approximately 2 years

Type of Resource: Case Study, Project

Keywords: Climate adaptation, School Playground, Biodiversity, Play Nature, Shared Use

Languages: English, Dutch


Climate Playground is an Erasmus+ project executed by the Sint-Paulus school and partners in Belgium. The school transformed from a tiled, grey playground with little greenery into a ‘Climate adaptive’ school ground.

The project is a display of an inspiring practice that transforms the environment in which children play. By allowing them to be in contact with nature, this practice stimulates teaching for sustainability and takes learning out of the classroom. 

On the website they both showcase what they have done, as well as giving practical tips for how others can implement this.

How to use this resource

This resource is a case study example of how a school playground can be developed to become climate-adaptive and transform the places where children play. Teachers and school leaders should use this resource to inspire their own climate-adaptive playground projects.

The resources

The Klimaat Speel Plaats website showcases what the project partners have done, as well as giving practical tips for how others can implement this:

An introduction is given by the initiator here (00.00 – 21:10):

Creative Commons

Creative Commons BY SA

The Klimaat Speel Plaats project was funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+. Materials produced with Erasmus+ funding are categorised as ‘Open Educational Resources’ with an open license that allows the public to use, reuse, adapt and share the resource.


Good Health and Well-Being
Quality Education
Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action
Life on land

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