Communities: Let's Get Started - Featured Image

Intended End User: Teacher, School Leader

Age Group: Lower Secondary; Upper Secondary

School Curriculum: Social, Physical & Health Education; Social & Environment Science; Languages; Business Studies

Themes and Topics: Energy Use and Production, Behaviour & Lifestyle, Collective Action, Environmental Change, Economics, Food and Agriculture, Power & Influence, School Leadership, Information & Knowledge, Citizenship

Duration: Several months but with smaller components.

Type of Resource: Case Study, Game, Guidelines & Notes, Audio/Video, Presentation, Project, Workshop

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Doughnut Economics, Community, School Leadership, Placed-Based Learning

Languages: English


Communities: Let’s Get Started is a collection of tools & stories to apply the ideas of Doughnut Economics to your community, whether at the household, street or neighbourhood scale or connecting as networks for systemic change at the city, region or national scale. The tool contains over 25 tools and 20 stories – with contributions from people, groups, networks and organisations from around the world – to help you get started with your community in your own unique context. Embedded resources can be used individually or used in clusters depending on your need and level of experience.

How to use this resource

This collection of resources and training materials support community engagement around the concept of Doughnut Economics to develop ways in which communities can become more sustainable in a systematic and observable way. The resources are arranged by categories for facilitators to choose from to best suite guiding participants from novice to expert levels in community and action-based Doughnut Economics. 

Resources under the “What is Doughnut Economics?” explore the need for alternative economics models with active learning strategies throughout the workshop-based exercises. The Doughnut Economics model is a tool that can be used to systematically approach the sustainability challenges with an evidence-based approach. Within the professional development resources, several workshop-based activities are described and resourced to facilitate participant exploration and deeper understanding of key concepts. 

While not explicitly referring to national curricula or educational policy, the offering does facilitate reflection on current practices and relationships to help develop a workable strategy to build a community driven by sustainable goals whilst meeting social needs. 

The plethora of resources contained in the proposed tool are driven by the goal of community building through engagement and cooperation. The tools and frameworks provided in Section 4 are designed to support community collaboration in creating sustainable environments and new understanding. The Doughnut model is designed to represent measurable component elements of a sustainable economy, whether the scale of economy is an individual, household, institution, community, or region. The metrics associated with each variable can be adapted according to context and available data. This will act as a means of assessing impact of the initiative. 

While the professional development resource is focused on place-based community building, there is also additional Doughnut Economics community support available. This includes active online communities and best-practice examples of how other groups have undertaken change initiatives.

The resources

Communities: Let’s Get Started PDF:

The Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) website, with a range of additional resources and tools, can be found here:

A link to the Communities: Let’s Get Started! page can be found here:

Creative Commons

Creative Commons BY SA

All tools uploaded to the DEAL Community Platform – by the DEAL Team and the wider community – are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence. This means they can be used for any purpose, so long as you provide attribution and share back any changes you make, under the same licence.


No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-Being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reduce inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Life below water
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Partnerships for the goals

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