Date: 7 – 12 July 2024
Venue: Marathon, Greece

Synapses Summer School - 2024

Registrations for 2024 are now closed

SYNAPSES Summer Course is part of the International Erasmus+ School Heads and Teacher Training Academy on Teaching for Sustainability Citizenship. Sustainability Citizenship skills include the ability to recognize the environmental, social and economic dimensions of climate change, the ability to connect local actions and initiatives to global processes, and the capacity to move from analysis to systematic action on climate change. The main goal of the course is to expand teachers’ pre- and in-service training opportunities focusing on environmental education and climate change related activities, inquiry-based and challenge-based interventions. Course participants from different European countries will collaborate and learn from each other and will participate in hands-on workshops, paving the way towards the development of key skills that will facilitate their everyday teaching. Themes related to the New European Bauhaus and the role of the schools, Nature-Based Solutions in the school curriculum, Biomimicry and creative thinking will populate the course.

The SYNAPSES Academy has the ambition to design and set-up a strong training ecosystem that offers formal and informal training opportunities, short term and long term courses, self-paced activities, social learning and mentoring opportunities and involvement in virtual events or practical workshops with physical presence, participation to communities of practice, participation to conferences and seminars, job shadowing activities in other schools, participation in short term summer or winter schools.

Stay updated about SYNAPSES Summer School 2025 via the website