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The InNature Project aims to enhance competencies and awareness on biomimicry in the School Community, including students, parents, teachers, directors and Informal Science Education Providers. The project consists of a toolkit which is a set of educational activities for teachers to use in classes, workshops, or other school activities, a catalogue of good practices which is a collection of several good practices in European countries regarding biomimicry in different contexts.

You can access the InNature Toolkit here.

Specifically, InNature resources consist of two Toolboxes.

  • The first toolbox named the “Biomimicry Challenge toolbox” has seven lesson plans concerning the core concepts and methods that are essential to successfully incorporate insights from nature into design. You can access Biomimicry Challenge toolbox here.
  • The second toolbox named “Biomimicry 3.8” is a workshop that can be implemented in any institution and has also detailed instructions for the facilitator. You can access Biomimicry 3.8 here.

The InNature project has training for teachers that is centred on learning about nature and you can access it here. Also, there is the “InNature Fair” which is a concept to organize a 3-day event in school about biomimicry and you can find detailed pieces of information here.

Lastly, you can access all of the resources here in many languages. 

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