The European Green Deal(Delivering the European Green Deal – European Commission, 2021) highlights the key role of education and training in engaging with learners, educators, parents and the wider community on the environmental challenges facing the planet. In this context, the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy (EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 — European Environment Agency, n.d.) announced that the Commission would propose in 2021 a Council Recommendation on education for environmental sustainability. The Recommendation aims to help Member States strengthen policy development, learning, teaching and cooperation in this field. The Communication on the European Education Area (Homepage | European Education Area, 2024) also refers to the proposal and highlights the importance of education and training in supporting the move towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient society and economy. Furthermore, it supports the goals of the Education for Climate Coalition 2023 Initiative which seeks to co-create a participatory education community to support the changes needed for a climate-neutral society.
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