Learning Approaches

This part of the repository is devoted to Sustainability Citizenship Learning Approaches. Here you will find links to best practice resources in the field, links to specific Journeys targeting the different Learning Approaches and examples of best practices where these approaches are relevant.

Challenge Based Learning (CBL)

Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is an instructional approach that engages learners in solving real-world problems by working on meaningful, collaborative challenges. Rooted in experiential and inquiry-based learning, CBL encourages students to identify a challenge, research and explore solutions, and apply their knowledge to create actionable outcomes.

The process typically includes three phases:

  • Engage – Students connect with the topic and identify a relevant challenge.
  • Investigate – They gather information, ask questions, and analyze the problem.
  • Act – Learners implement their solutions and reflect on their impact.

CBL emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the application of interdisciplinary skills, making learning practical and engaging while fostering personal and societal impact.

CBL Lesson

CBL Resources

Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)

Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is an educational approach where students actively engage in the learning process by posing questions, exploring resources, and discovering answers. Instead of passively receiving information, learners take a central role in investigating topics, guided by their curiosity and critical thinking.

The process typically involves:

  • Asking Questions – Students formulate open-ended questions based on their interests or observations.
  • Researching and Exploring – They gather information through investigation and experimentation.
  • Drawing Conclusions – Learners synthesize their findings and construct understanding.
  • Sharing and Reflecting – They communicate their insights and evaluate their learning journey.

IBL fosters deeper understanding, creativity, and independent problem-solving skills while making learning more personalized and engaging.

IBL Lesson

IBL Resources (coming soon)

Design Thinking (DT)

Design Thinking is a teaching methodology that promotes creative problem-solving through a structured, iterative process. It emphasizes empathy, innovation, and collaboration to address complex challenges. In education, it helps students develop critical thinking and design skills while fostering engagement and real-world application.

The methodology typically follows these stages:

  • Empathize – Understand the needs, experiences, and perspectives of others.
  • Define – Clearly articulate the problem to be solved.
  • Ideate – Generate a wide range of creative solutions.
  • Prototype – Develop tangible representations of ideas for feedback.
  • Test – Evaluate prototypes, refine solutions, and iterate.

Design Thinking encourages a hands-on, user-centered approach to learning, making it ideal for fostering innovation, adaptability, and collaboration in the classroom.

DT Lesson (coming soon)

DT Resources

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a holistic approach to education designed to give all students the necessary support to succeed in their academic journey. It comprises three pillars with a series of guidelines to help you transform how you interact with your students. It was created by a non-profit education research group called CAST and has already been validated and adopted by thousands of teachers worldwide. It provides the necessary steps to transform your classrooms into inclusive and equitable environments.

UDL Lesson

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