Museum of Open Windows

Intended End User: Teacher

Age Group: Lower Secondary; Upper Secondary

School Curriculum: Science; Social & Environment Science; Arts

Themes and Topics: Behaviour & Lifestyle; Environmental Change; Information & Knowledge; Citizenship

Duration: Podcast series 25 minutes + gathering and collating data for exhibition

Type of Resource: Audio/Video, Project

Keywords: Data Gathering, Place-Based Learning, Podcast Guide, Data Gathering, Student-Centred Learning

Languages: English


Museums are often seen as places of research, entertainment and debate, with their work often extending far beyond their own walls. The Museum of Open Windows, a new exhibition stall at Glasgow Science Centre, instead re-imagines museums as a networked infrastructure  – they are a global set of tools and resources enabling citizen science that is aware to local cultures and environments.

The Museum of Open Windows touches on this idea by placing participants in the role of curators and researchers, with the Earth itself seen as an artefact in need of protection. Rather than document faraway places, the Museum of Open Windows focuses attention on the nearby. The podcast field guides direct students on a guided walk of the local environment, encouraging them to engage directly with the ecosystem they inhabit and identify signs of climate change. At times throughout the audio guide students will be prompted to take a photo or record a sound or a video to document their discoveries. These can then be used to create a local exhibition on the impact of climate change.

The podcast field guides direct students on a guided walk of the local environment, encouraging them to engage directly with the ecosystem they inhabit and identify signs of climate change. At times throughout the audio guide, students will be prompted to take a photo or record a sound or a video to document their discoveries. These can then be used to create a local exhibition on the impact of climate change.

How to use this resource

The Museums of Open Windows (MOW) Podcast Guides allow students to explore their local area and gather evidence of climate change. This resource builds on the prior knowledge of students and the familiar world around them, and encourages them to view and experience their world through a different lens.

The MOW resource is an online podcast tool that can be used by teachers to explore local environments and promote student SC.

The MOW resource will be applied to a local context where students will explore their local community, gathering evidence of climate change. The evidence and artefacts gathered during this guided field trip through the local community can be used to present a multi-media representation of their community.

The resources

Introduction to Museum of Open Windows – Sensing Climate Change:

Creative Commons

Attributions Non-Commercial Share-Alike CC

This resource has been developed and created by Glasgow Science Centre. It is shared on the Synapses Portal with their kind permission. More information and resources can be found at


Good Health and Well-Being
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Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action
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