Logo of the ESHA HeadStarts. Guidelines for School leaders.

Intended End User: School Leader

Age Group: Lower Primary; Upper Primary; Lower Secondary; Upper Secondary

Themes and Topics: Collective Action, School Leadership

Duration: Ongoing.

Type of Resource: Guidelines & Notes, Reference Document

Keywords: Experiments, School Development, School Heads

Languages: English


You can stimulate teachers using the evidence from research to design and perform small scale experiments. If teachers get the opportunity to discover what is working in their own situation and are also invited to figure out why it works, it can become part of their professional knowledge and instructional repertoire and therefore it leads to sustainable educational improvement. 

Teachers can learn by experimenting, especially if they do this together. This resource is designed to support School Leaders in harnessing the professional experience, inquisition and research skills of the school teachers to help support sustainable educational improvement.

How to use this resource

This HEADstart resource addresses the questions of ‘why it is important to work with small scale experiments?’, ‘what is needed to work with small-scale experiments?’ and provides three steps to be taken for conducting an experimental design:

  • Step 1: Choose a theme and find out who wants to set up an experimental design
  • Step 2: Set the frame of references
  • Step 3: monitor progress and evaluate

The resources

Stimulating teachers to conduct small scale experiments for school development (PDF):

Additional resources from the ESHA HEADstart series are available on the HEADstart – Guidelines for School Leaders webpage.

Creative Commons

CC Non-Commercial No-Derivatives

This resource was created by ESHA and is to be used for non-commercial purposes. No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.


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