Date: 29/06 – 04/07
Venue: Â Golden Coast Hotel & Bungalows, Marathon, Greece
SYNAPSES Academy Courses are grounded on the concept of sustainability citizenship. Climate change-relevant sustainability citizenship skills include the ability to recognise the environmental, social and economic dimensions of climate change, the ability to connect local actions and initiatives to global processes, and the capacity to move from analysis to systematic action on climate change. In the framework of the course will present: a) the concept of Sustainability Citizenship that is rooted to long term research in the field, b) the key drivers of change that could catalyse its integration to the national training curricula and educational systems and finally c) the proposed framework for the implementation that is based on a hybrid approach that builds on the strengths of formal and informal education and d) a series of practical examples to be tested and adopted by the course participants.
The SYNAPSES Course is designed for school heads and teachers of both primary and secondary schools. The objective of this combination is to build school heads leaderships interventions and teachers competences and skills as well as to stimulate teacher motivation on up-taking innovative teaching methods, subjects, and practices to enrich and renew the school’s curriculum to increase students’ interest in sustainability, environmental studies, science, on how science is made and how climate change affects every-day life.
In the SYNAPSES Academy Summer School framework, the teacher participants will prepare an educational scenario for their schools that promotes sustainability citizenship, while school head participants will prepare a green action plan for their schools and a plan for cultivating collective teacher efficacy that promotes sustainability citizenship. The summer school will use the SYNSPASES Academy portal to demonstrate best practices, upload preparatory work, serve as a repository for summer school materials, and facilitate networking among participants.
Registrations are open!
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