Energy House Insy - Featured Image

Sustainable, energy-efficient, self-built – that’s three words to describe the energy house in the school garden at Isny High School.

This exceptional project deserves a few more words: students have been planning (since 2016) and building (since 2019) a detached house in passive house construction using largely ecological building materials. They acquire the necessary know-how in cooperation with regional partners.

Even after completion, the house remains an object of learning: guided tours are planned, as is monitoring the building data in science lessons. The room will be used for special lessons, project work or as a place of retreat. In addition, we would like to anchor this place in the public eye with events in the area of “environmental education and climate protection”.

The students have set up the financing without public funding: Half of it comes from a savings bond loan from parents, students and teachers and half from donations, grants and a great deal of personal contribution…



Webinar – The Energy House Sustainable, Energy Efficient, Self Built

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