Eco Friendly Bottles

Intended End User: Teacher

Age Group: Lower Secondary; Upper Secondary

School Curriculum: Science; Social, Social & Environment Science

Themes and Topics: Behaviour & Lifestyle; Food and Agriculture

Duration: 1 hour

Type of Resource: Experiment, Guidelines & Notes, Audio/Video, Presentation

Keywords: Biomimicry, plastic waste, eco-friendly, experiment, science

Languages: English


The Glasgow Science Centre and Scottish Power developed this biomimicry inspired resource focusing on reducing plastic waste. The eco-friendly water bottle uses alginate, from brown seaweed. The gel bubble that holds the water needs to display several of the properties of the seaweed, in that it should be strong, flexible, hold water, and be able to be eaten or biodegrade under the right conditions. This is an example of biomimicry, where nature has inspired a new invention.

The Eco-Friendly Water Bottle resource includes teacher and student instructions, PowerPoint slides and an accompanying video demonstration of how the experiment should be undertaken. Students experience creating alginate bubbles using a process called spherification, which is used by chefs to make tea bubbles and imitation caviar.

How to use this resource

The Eco-Friendly Water Bottle briefly introduces biomimicry with examples of how society has learned from nature’s innovative solutions to today’s challenges. This is an opportunity for teachers and students to share their knowledge of biomimicry and possible other nature inspired solutions to other problems.

The Eco-Friendly Water Bottle resource provides teachers and students the experience of creating their own nature-inspired solution to reducing plastic waste. This experience will promote students’ scientific curiosity and motivation to address other local challenges through scientific means.

The resources

Eco Friendly Water Bottle Presentation PDF:

Eco-friendly water bottle instructions (teacher) PDF:

Link to Glasgow Science Centre Climate Change Homepage where additional resources, PowerPoint presentation and video demonstration can be accessed:

Link to Experiment Video:

Download the PowerPoint presentation here:

Creative Commons

Attributions Non-Commercial Share-Alike CC

This resource has been developed and created by Glasgow Science Centre. It is shared on the Synapses Portal with their kind permission. More information and resources can be found at


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