Your Turn for the Teacher – Guide Book

Your Turn for the Teacher – Guide Book

Intended End User: Teacher, Teacher Educator Age Group: Upper Primary; Lower Secondary School Curriculum: Maths; Science; Social, Physical & Health Education; Social & Environment Science; Arts; Business Studies; Applied Science Themes and Topics: Collective...
A Green School is a Healthy School

A Green School is a Healthy School

Intended End User: Teacher, Teacher Educator Age Group: Upper Secondary School Curriculum: Science; Social & Environment Science; Applied Science Themes and Topics: Energy Use and Production; Environmental Change; Food and Agriculture Duration: If required, please...


In this lesson, students will understand that sustainability issues are complex, multi-faceted and open-ended. The pupils will bake cupcakes and each group will have an additional special ingredient. In the end, the students will summarize what they’ve found in regard...
Climate Playground

Climate Playground

Intended End User: Teacher, School Leader Age Group: Lower Primary; Upper Primary School Curriculum: Social, Physical & Health Education; Social & Environment Science; Arts Themes and Topics: Collective Action, School Leadership Duration: Approximately 2 years...
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